Monday, October 24, 2011


Finally, this four hundred and eleven page book is finished! I tackeled it all, so let me now reflect on it.
Overall, the story was quite interesting. Pollan takes a simple topic that is familiar to us all and analyzes it on a whole different level. I am very appreciative that I got to read about his story, but I am not sure that the book itself was a teriffic read. The Omnivore's Dilemma was a bit drawn out, 400 pages was way too much for this story. There were too many words and stories that subtracted from the overall message, which, I imagine, probably detered many readers. In fact, if this wasn't a school project, I probably would have stopped reading after the first five chapters and looked up a summary online or abandoned the book all together. That said, I still recommend this book to anyone who is interested in what they eat, which should be everyone. The message he sends (even if I don't always agree with him--refer back to my blogs on the vegetarian chapter) is one of much value. Our nation should really take into account our national eating disorder, and do something about it. Personally, I was not shocked by any of the information he gave (okay, so the corn chapters freaked me out somewhat), but that is due to the amount of research I have had to do because I am a vegetarian. I imagine most people would be astonished at the facts in this book.
Thank you, Michael Pollan, for writing a book that gives the nation insight on its own eating behavior, and hoping for change!

1 comment:

  1. You should try his next book: In Defense of Food. I haven't had a chance to read it yet but it sounds like a good read.
